How to add jQuery Datepicker to image on page


New Member
I just have successfully got me a basic datepicker assigned to a input: type"text" control. The next goal is to assign the datepicker to showOn when an image is clicked. The image can be to the left or right of the input box. I can do this in aJax controls but really trying to learn jQuery so please show thy way! I have 2 other input boxes that i will be repeating this same method for so it'll be sweet to get this up and running! So far this is my jQuery to assign the datepicker to the control\[code\]$(function () { $("input[id$='txtPreviousCutOff']").datepicker();});\[/code\]Note: i also want to append a time to that date, how can i do that? I'm wanting to append 12:00:00 AM to the date selected..i tried this but it fails :(\[code\]$(function () { var input = $("input[id$='txtPreviousCutOff']"); input.val(input.val() + " " + "12:00:00 AM");});\[/code\]