How to add favicon?


New Member
How can I have favicon on mywebsite?I change my favicon to favicon.ico and it changes to a vbulettin icon but when i name it something else its good.How can I make it work?Also for the GoogleAdsense do you have to pay? I heard you have to pay is there any other way for you to have ads and getting paid whats the point of having ads then?
put favicon.ico in root folder also allother folders ur site uses (i.e. in /forum/) then navigate to it then ctrl+f5 and it will work from then on and for others.
FallenBoy said:
I have to wait a week for them to review my acc? and what does Addsense work wat does it do?

you dont have to pay that's google adwords, the ads that are displaying on your site, so is like they are the ones that pay you, about how much time to wait well actually i waited like 2 weeks for my account :3 i know it's to late but becareful to make your website according to their tos or they will reject you :3 cya
Firefox cache can be really stubborn to show changes, I just uploaded my favicon to my root and it showed, took a day with Firefox - but showed up instantly after a quick test in Opera.