How to add ajax tabs like NinjaWarez?


New Member
OK how can someone add ajax tabs like those of Ninja Warez
Shazz248 said:
yes...i got it....but how can u add certain categories...i didnt mean forum websites....i mean certain categories and forums like this website

MalluvisioN - Powered by vBulletin - main page
MalluvisioN - Powered by vBulletin - movie downloading page
MalluvisioN - Powered by vBulletin - online movies page
MalluvisioN - Powered by vBulletin - songs page

1. Install the product.
2. Go to each forum and set which page to display it on. 1,2,3 etc. I have only tested 1 and 2.
3. Create links to the other instances of forumhome. Put these links where you would like them to be - in your navbar, side panel, header, tabs, whereever. Example links are the demo links posted above.
4. Contribute something to this site. Help somebody with a question or release some code of your own. Keep the giving circle going.

This mod is for 3.5.x so may not work Last time I used it I was using 3.7.x so not sure about 3.8.x
Ok...I didn't gt a thing.Once I import a product where am I supposed to configure it?And this product is going to add tabs like those on Ninja Warez?
hoxxy....thanks a lot...u r great...i been looking for this module for like last 6 weeks...i searched everywhere...thanks a lot rocks
zes said:
Ok...I didn't gt a thing.Once I import a product where am I supposed to configure it?And this product is going to add tabs like those on Ninja Warez?

sorry that mods was really for Shazz248.
Hoxxy said:
sorry that mods was really for Shazz248.
Ok so I've thought of adding a template which is content will be located on the top right of the forum and just add the ajax tabs html code..
Any thoughts?