How to add a reply button for textbox


New Member
When clicking on a button, 5 textboxes will be displayed. I have to add a button for reply to the last textbox - can anyone show me how?This is my code:\[code\]protected void GenTextBox(object sender, EventArgs e){ for (i = 1; i <= TotalReplys; i++) { HtmlGenericControl lineBreak = new HtmlGenericControl("br"); Page.Controls.Add(lineBreak); TextBox MyTextBox = new TextBox(); MyTextBox.ID = i.ToString(); MyTextBox.Width = 540; MyTextBox.Height = 60; MyTextBox.Text = "Get the value from the database"; MyTextBox.TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine; Panel1.Controls.Add(MyTextBox); Panel1.Controls.Add(lineBreak); }}\[/code\]