How to add a background image at the footer?

In your admincp style manager > MainCSS for the style you want to add the background. You need to find the Footer css code block. You can add a background image there, for example, in the background box (top left inside the footer block) you could add something like :
 #5C7099 url(images/misc/yourimage.gif) repeat-x top left
I have found this:
"Table Footer"

I added the image there but it appeard only at the backgrounnd of the " Mark Forums Read View Forum Leaders " column and at the background of the "Contact Us,etc."

What is wrong?

Thank you for your reply!
That is the content of the vBulletin footer. If that didn't work the way you wanted, I think you will need to modify the footer template. What specific part of the page are you trying to make display the background image? I know you said footer but the way vBulletin works, it may not be what you are looking to do. You may need to modify one of the forumhome template depending on the area you want to show the background image.
Edit: hold on I just wrote the stuff below dotted line then re read your post....

ok so you want an img background ok so in the body background box in style manager add

#000 url(path/to/image.jpg) [color=Red]no-repeat bottom center[/color];
read the last 4 sections of content below to find out about the code I have highlighted in red...

In the footer find:
Add this below:
<div id="footer_img"><!-- Footer image --></div>

in additional css box add:
       background:url(path/to/image.jpg) [color=Red]repeat-x bottom left[/color];
adjust height to img height

to repeat img:
repeat-x bottom left
to not repeat img:
to center no repeat img:
no-repeat 50% 50%
or add
margin:0 auto;
to the css