How soon will it now till Joe the plumber and decent American's be kicked out of this country?


New Member
The News was kicked out of Obama's campaign today as well as Jesus was kicked out of school so how much longer will Joe and decent American's be allowed to stay here<br />


New Member
Isn't there a general belief that nobody should impersonate a religious figure?

But anyways, it wasn't like Obama threw him out of school personally...stop with the ignorant attempts.

Why did Joe stand up McCain?


New Member
It is unbelievable what they have tried to do to him what was he to do tell Obama''hey your on mic,watch what you say''


New Member
Since Joe works at cash jobs and doesn't pay taxes while using the fire, police, roads and other services he can leave any time. We are tired of people sponging off us Real Americans who believe in paying our own way.


New Member
What have Communists done with dissenters for years. Killed, Jail, Mental Hospitals, Camps.