How simple should I keep html code for a web page with older browser versions


I'm creating the first website for a family business, so I'm not sure what browsers and versions may be used to view the site. What browsers and versions should I plan and test for? <br />
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Is there a website or articles that have done research which can shed light on this?<br />
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I'm using layers in HTML and CSS. Can most surfers handle this? <br />
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Thanks!!!<!--content-->Index DOT Html (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) gives support history.<br />
It is possible to support all browsers, but this requires a deep understanding of browsers and their shortcommings.<br />
A "geek" would design the site with HTML, using the correct semantics,<br />
then add CSS to improve visual presentation and lastly javascript for dynamics.<br />
A practical approach is just supporting DOM based browsers (IE5+, Mozilla, Opera6+ etc.). These account for 99% of browsers on my sites (%'s depend on country and website content)<br />
If you are refering to "layers" as a general term, yes (the element <layer> is old Netscape and not well supported).<br />
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Look at the support charts for more on HTML and CSS.<!--content-->Thanks Fang for your response.<br />
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Excuse my ignorance, but what do you mean by "DOM" based browsers? How would you code them differently than you would using the "geek" method?<br />
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Also, when I said I'm using "layers", I mean that I'm using the <div> tag with absolute positioning to place images and text elements. I hope most of the surfer's browsers can handle that!<br />
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Thanks for any more light you can shed!<!--content-->Some browser usage stats.<br />
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Also make sure your host has CPanel, or something like it because it has gives you stats for your site and in the end those stats will be far more important.<br />
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First of all, you need to make sure your code meets W3C standards and deals with accessibilty issues. After that, then deal with browsers.<br />
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You can Download <!--more--> different browsers here.<br />
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Here is how to install multiple copies of IE.<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... v/multi_IE</a><!-- m --><br />
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Some non-IE browsers worth looking into. <br />
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Also Download <!--more--> the Web Developer extension for Mozilla/Firebird. It will save you a bunch.<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... developer/</a><!-- m --><br />
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DOM based browsers are ones who handle a more standards compliant version of JavaScript.<br />
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It goes without saying, read "Designing with Web Standards" as a good intro into web design.<!--content-->Wow Spufi!<br />
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Thanks for all the links!<br />
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They say that the average person uses up to only 5% of their brain capacity... I think after I study and implement all of this info, that I will be up to 6%! :D<!--content-->Originally posted by nuhorizon <br />
I'm creating the first website for a family business, <br />
The answer to your question should lie, at least partly, right here. What is your target market? Identify that, and you will be better able to determine what browsers they use.<!--content-->Keep in mind, those browser stats in spufi's first link are a little over a year old. Probably Mozilla and Opera are slightly higher percent, and IE4 is slightly lower. Last I heard, IE represents almost 95% of the market, with IE6 being near 65%, and IE 5.0 and 5.5 being around 13-16% each.<br />
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I've also read that IE4 and NN4 together (the two most problematic browsers) are down below 2% now. This is a good thing.<!--content-->While the article does say 2003, I went back and looked at their other reports and they were current compared to when they came out, so I'm just guessing somebody didn't change the year to make the report look current. The trend in browser usage would also look really weird compared to the other reports if you compared them from others of 2003. Mozilla for instance would go something like 1.8%, 0.4%, 1.2% when logically it should be 0.4%, 1.2%, 1.8%.<br />
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Full report listing:<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->Thanks very much for everyone's input - it's very helpful<!--content-->