How should I organize source control for framework-based projects?


New Member
I'm struggling trying to sort out what the best-practice is for putting a project under source control when the project is written against a framework. In my situation I will be using Mercurial for source control.Most PHP frameworks have an 'application' folder where I'm supposed to put my code that interacts with the framework. So is it best to put the application folder into it's own repository and then have another repository for the framework files? Or is it better to put everything, including the framework, into a single repository?I'd like to be able to have a decent amount of flexibility, namely I'd like to be able to swap out the version of the framework I'm using for experimentation while still being able to publish changes using the stable version.I have experience with both the Kohana and Zend Framework frameworks so if you could use those as references that would be fantastic.