How should I go about this?


New Member
I have a MySQL Database of more or less 100 teachers, their names, and their phone numbers, stored in tables based upon their department at the school. I'm creating an iPhone app, and I've found that UITableViews and all the work that comes with it is just too time consuming and too confusing. Instead, I've been trying to create a web page on my server that loads all the data from MySQL and displays it using HTML, PHP, jQuery, and jQTouch for formatting.My concept is that the separators will be by department, and the staff will be sorted alphabetically under each department. On the main page, each person's name will be clickable so they can go to ANOTHER page listing their name, email address, and telephone number, all linked so that the user can tap on the email or number and immediately email or call that person, respectively.HOWEVER, I am completely at a loss for how I should start. Can anyone point me in the right direction for displaying the data? Am I going about it wrong in using PHP? Should I opt for something COMPLETELY different?