how should i do seo for this site... what keywords should i use? please help.


New Member
ok ive got a website that allows you to..

- exchange facebook likes
- exchange twitter followers
- exchange youtube views
- exchange website views
- exchange google +1

but i was wondering should i use them 5 above for my main key words? do you think they are searched often enough? or people will go to my site for that?

any suggestions on what to use other than them 5?

my site is Use the Google keyword tool to see how many searches there are. Or a piece of software like Market Samurai Long term technique to generating traffic for your website will be increasing your SERP for the desired keywords. You need to work on the backlinks to improve the SERP. All the social networks may be used to increase traffic, however it may not be a targetted traffic. Quote: Originally Posted by colinstead Use the Google keyword tool to see how many searches there are. Or a piece of software like Market Samurai I agree with the answer before analyzing keyword competition and searches on particular keyword it's worthless to use in website title. Use google adword tool to find the keywords relevant to site and keywords related to the keywords you are trying to use. Find their competition, global search . Base on it optimize your site. I thin your site needs a Blog section, or How it works, tips section. I wanted to make the report of your site in semrush. But perhaps your website is not in the top 10. What words do you use? Yes, like the other mentioned. You need to more research about it. How often people search on the web. You can use many keyword tool for that I use Market Samurai and Micro Niche Finder for keyword research and competitor analysis. Teeth whitening is the biggest search term and got to page 8 on Google but disappeared about 4 weeks ago