How redirect user with all variables coming with POST


New Member
I have a html form with \[code\]action="script1.php"\[/code\]In script1 I need write all data to the database and redirect to script2.php, but I need all parameters posted to script1 to be sent to script2.\[code\]mod_rewrite\[/code\] is onHow I can redirect using PHP with all data come through POST ?if i do like that this disgusting practice but\[code\]<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" TYPE="text/javascript"><!--function Search(){wpc_form.submit();}// --></script></HEAD><BODY onload='Search()'> <form name=wpc_form method="post" action="/script2/"> <?phpforeach($_REQUEST as $name => $value)echo '<input type="hidden" name="'.$name.'" value="'.$value.'">' ?> </form>\[/code\]