How much contents can you duplicate?


New Member
Just wondering about this cuz I have some repeated contents scattered all over the pages. Just snippets of ads and information about the website.the repeated contents are not from another site but are orginal materialwill google treat these texts as dupes?? Been wondering about this myself ...Google has been indexing my link editor urls lately. So every link now generates a new page dynamically. My page count jumped from 35 to 225 pages.Quote:this is interesting rtchar, how much duplication are we expected to limit ourselves to?by changing our structure, will we be able to get away with it? even when the contents are highly similar..?Google determines duplicate comtemt by generating a hash no for specific elements on your site and comparing them.phrases are probably Ok but blocks of the same text are a big no no.i always keep it under 20% similarity if i can, and if i cant i just change can also see patetrns, like a block of text with one phrase changed across the site.just make natural content if you can.darksat wrote:First let's be clear about one thing ... I am NOT trying to spam Google or any other search engine. I am certain Google is trying to pick up dynamically generated product sites. Many catalogs are database driven and links (with query parameters) often lead to product groups and catalog pages.What I found interesting is that Google is treating my link pages as product catalogs. So for every link I add to my site, I get credit for a new page. Which of course adds another internal link to my home page. As for duplication that is a little more difficult to answer. I am running some tests to reduce duplication, by varying title text, dynamically generating form prompts etc. I would like to see 100% inclusion. I let you know if I can determine where that point is. so does that mean that we cant have the same phrase scattered all over the site. ??say the phrase is about 20 words long.i am not trying to spam google as well -they are just adverts thrown all over the site....I often use a common phrase in a tag line or footer on every page and Google never seems to mind that. If you are really worried about duplication put it in a graphic ...