how many pages show up for search results?


New Member
The other day i made some queries and just wanted to see how far the results go, meaning when making a search querrie and seeing the results for example i had one result and it showed about 800.000 results for that specific keyword but when trying to get as far as i could with seeing the results i couldn't get any further then 100 pages! and 800.000 results is quite more then 100 pages to fill So i would like to know is my presumtion correct if i conclude from this that the result pages doesn't extend more then over 100 pages?i conclude that you must have been real bored one afternoon! No not bored, just curious I wanted to see how far the results went, the results on top of the page saids 800.000 but when going over the SERP's i didn't get any further as 100 pages.If there as many results as told on top of the page then in theory i could look into these results untill the last one one the list but i didn't come any further as 100 pages.I also notice this with other keywords, the SERP's you can view do not match the overall results, let's say you have results for that keyword of 2.000.000 you could not see what the last result is on that particular keyword because you don't get any further then 100 pages!So i wonder is this the normal way of operating by google to just don't get any further, if you arent on the first 100 pages then you are not worthy of showing in the SERP's even though the results of that particular keyword exceeds more then 100 pages because of the amount of results, for example 1.000.000Just wondering