How long should ElementTree iterparse take?


New Member
In answering another question, someone showed me the following tutorial, in which the author claims to have used iterparse to parse a ~100 MB XML file in under 3 seconds: am trying to parse an ~90 MB XML file, and I have the following code:\[code\]from xml.etree.cElementTree import *count = 0for event, elem in iterparse('foo.xml'): if elem.tag == 'identifier' and elem.text == 'bar': count += 1 elem.clear() # discard the elementprint count\[/code\]It is taking about thirty seconds... not even the same order of magnitude as reported in the tutorial I read using a similarly sized file, a similar algorithm, and the same package.Could someone please inform me what might be wrong with my code, or what differences I might not be noticing between my situation and the tutorial?I am using Python 2.7.3.Addendum:I am also using a reasonably powerful machine, in case anyone thinks that might be it.