HiI submitted my site to google about 3 weeks ago and it is still not indexed.Can someone tell me how long it take to be indexed ?My website url is: http://www.turbonation..netShouldn't take too long now.Btw, nice site, i bookmarked it The page cannot be displayed The page you are looking for is currently unavailable. The Web site might be experiencing technical difficulties, or you may need to adjust your browser settings. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please try the following: that is all i gotsecondly make sure you have unique meta tages!!!thirdly no one can really tell exactly how long it takes, i have known sites to have taken months to be indxed also my most recent site urban-tricking.com took less then a week. check if you are listed on msn in the mean time, i got listed on there without meta tags but MSN crawls the web in real time and google indexes sites so another thing to keep in mind.- Fred Vaux993ti wrote:Your site is down?no, he has two periods/full stops before the net bit in his urlE.g. http://www.turbonation..netShould be http://www.turbonation.netIt can take up to a few months to get a new site listed. One way you can speed up the process is to get a link to it from a high PR site.Good luck!zielak,That is your first site! High 5, you have a future in this business. Remember also to keeping checking the search engines even after you find that you have been listed. I had sites and names all over google then they just went away one day and/or fell real low in the ranks. So check at least once or twice a week for good business up keep.Do you know someone that has had a web site up for awhile that would be willing to put a link to your website on the main page of their web site? If they are ranked ok by google and are known to update their site frequently you could be indexed in a few days.. Jacobit's depends..Theres a trick:-Create a blog with links to your website.-Ping this blog- go to myyahoo and click in 'new content' and put your RSS address in it.well, in 2 or 3 days you are listed in yahoo pages....just wait and google will index youU are indexed for the word Turbonation"This is G o o g l e's cache of http://www.turbonation.net/ as retrieved on 5 Jun 2005 02:04:21 GMT."Use keywords like Turbo charge/charging, automotive/cars, turbocharged performance, turbo charging cars. etc as many times you can use In your sites first page for better results.google search results.http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=& ... tnG=Search 1.turbo charging carshttp://www.tuning.wanadoo.co.uk/turbo-charging.htm http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=tu ... rs&spell=1 2.turbocharging carshttp://www.tripinfo.com/ITM/Articles2004/ITM664.html ...?turbocharged lecture also ask some one from the numerous "homebuilt trubo charger jet engnes " pages to put your link on their site.mdavis19.tripod.com/turbine/(ranks 1 for turbo jet)these sites also have turbo charger pages.http://www.aardvark.co.nz (ranks 1.)http://www.pulse-jets.com (ranks 2 )http://www.turbocalculator.comSEO_Pro. wrote: