Recently I made this website for a salesburo.I've added the URL to google (about two weeks ago).The URL is: when I search for aandrijftechnischburo, I can't find the site in google. How long does it take for google to add the URL?Greetings from Holland,Paolus This is a question for BWM but I would say probably at the end of each month when google dances it should get added.First if you use the add url link at google do not expect to be listed in google. The best way to get listed by google is to have other websites linking to you. If you get your site listed in DMOZ that will greatly improve your chances of getting listed.Anyway it can take up to a few months to finally appear in Google's index, so just keep building content, trading links, and submitting to web directories and you should be in their index eventually.Allright, thanks for the information. I'll just have to wait then...Do I have to award you This is the first time I use a forum... GreetingsYou do not have to award anybody unless you want to because you think they deserve it. site is indexed after one weekHere is what you need to do. If you just add it using their form it will / may take a while. All you have to do is get a few links to your sites and you can be in index in as less as 3 days.