Hi,I have a site here http://www.globalaccess.biz and for some reason I think I have been penalized.If so, when will this end and when will it be reconsidered?If you can see why it is penalized, I would appricate your input in me making changes.regardsMichaelIf you mean your rankings have fallen, then they can stay that way indefinitely until you make positive changes to your site.If you mean banned, then you cannot be re-included until you contact Google and ask (after you say you are sorry Why do you think you have been penalized?hi,Only because i used to be listed and now i'm not....I have even paid for a 'g-boost' but still no listing.regardsG-Boost?...uh oh...what did this encompass?hi,G-boost is a service by ineedhits that is meant to get you included into google fast. Who knows, that could have been a waste of $19 but it was worth a try.http://www.ineedhits.com/submission/GBoost.aspxregardsmikeissa wrote: