How long ASP can prolong?

Hi guys! I just wanna post this to ask advice from you guys. I have been using ASP all this while but I feel a little worry about ASP life. I mean when do you all think ASP will die, which means other technology will take over it.

What do you gugs think? What should I do to prepare myself? Maybe, should I start to pick up ASP.NET? Thanks.Well a lot of applications have been written in ASP and in a lot of cases there is no reason to migrate them to .NET. However .NET ASP has many advantages to enhance the code structure, functionality, etc. Also the transition is not too difficult so i can see a lot of people converting them...

What you must also realize is that ASP and ASP.NET applications can both run at the same time - there is no conflicts between them and so .NET never really has to 'take over' per se. You could keep all your old apps and just start writing your new ones with .NET =)Microsoft is qwerky in the way they upgrade their products.

Almost always their new products do not render previous versions obsolete. However, at the same time, Microsoft stops support almost immediately on the old product.

What that means as it applies to ASP : Microsoft is not going to make anything new or further fully support ASP, however, IIS will prolly never stop being able to serve them.

Of course, in the world of the internet and online help forums (such as this) it's not really necessary for the company to fully support a product as you can find help for it all over the place.

So, in the end, I wouldn't worry about your ASP sites ceasing to function any time soon.I agree with Ryan's perspective of the life cycle of Most microsoft products.

They are unlikely to remove support for it, unless it becomes very old, un-updated. This was the reasoning for not updating Visual InterDev 6, that comes with Visual Studio 6 (commonly refered to as 97). VB 6 was part of this packages, it got SP6 a few months ago, however InterDev did not make the life cycle, because of the development enviroment is a replacement for it, and that it has a smaller =) (Yes I know).Thats a joke right... perl is already almost dead. PHP has all but completely replaced it. But why when you have languages that were designed for it, C# and are complete CLR and CLS languages.well, you can code Cobol in .NET, so why not PERL? :P

I agree with burn, though. PERL has definitely felt the hit most from the emergence of PHP. ASP always has its niche in the intranet realm and more professional developer's arsenal, but PERL really relied a lot on personal web site development that PHP has really taken over.Originally posted by eRad
What you must also realize is that ASP and ASP.NET applications can both run at the same time - there is no conflicts between them and so .NET never really has to 'take over' per se. You could keep all your old apps and just start writing your new ones with .NET =)
Thats not entirely true depending on what you are doing in your applications. The most apparent conflict you might run into is that ASP and ASP.NET cannot share session or application state. I think there might be a few others, but I can't think of them off the top of my head, but they are rather minor in comparsion. I would say if you're not worried about application or session state between the 2 applications you will be ok.I think I will just keep up with ASP at the moment. I think ASP.NET still a baby in our country here, Malaysia. Thanks for all view.Originally posted by putts

What that means as it applies to ASP : Microsoft is not going to make anything new or further fully support ASP, however, IIS will prolly never stop being able to serve them.

Of course, in the world of the internet and online help forums (such as this) it's not really necessary for the company to fully support a product as you can find help for it all over the place.

True but there is a case for the last year or so where ASP and Access would crash the web server <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... 08&catId=1</a><!-- m --> A work around was to restart session variable (eeeek how my editors hated it). I think there is a fix for it now but it was slow and my hosting company has not implemented it becuase its not officially released :O@no it will never die out because it is too powerful (atleast I think) Plus, it is very easy to use! :DOriginally posted by eRad
Well a lot of applications have been written in ASP and in a lot of cases there is no reason to migrate them to .NET. However .NET ASP has many advantages to enhance the code structure, functionality, etc. Also the transition is not too difficult so i can see a lot of people converting them...

What you must also realize is that ASP and ASP.NET applications can both run at the same time - there is no conflicts between them and so .NET never really has to 'take over' per se. You could keep all your old apps and just start writing your new ones with .NET =)

Disadvantages to this type of co-existance is that they do not share session/application information. will take over with the release of 2.0 framework with will release 64bit version also.Originally posted by afterburn
Disadvantages to this type of co-existance is that they do not share session/application information. will take over with the release of 2.0 framework with will release 64bit version also.
Well i actually just meant individual existence, in that the server will still fully support old ASP projects, my bad on the wording! :)