i have two simple blog . yesterday i noticed that both my blog get google page rank 1.recently i have made a new technology blogging platform teblog.tk.this is very new and one of my previous blog url redirect to new blog. i also noticed that teblog has also got page rank 1.
This is interesting 1.
Another interesting is i have a domain that redirect to one of my blogspot blog. i also noticed that this domain is also got page rank 1.
Now i ask a question to expert
1.if i transfer that domain which only redirect to a blog, will any problem occur with page rank.
This is interesting 1.
Another interesting is i have a domain that redirect to one of my blogspot blog. i also noticed that this domain is also got page rank 1.
Now i ask a question to expert
1.if i transfer that domain which only redirect to a blog, will any problem occur with page rank.