How i update 3.6.8 to 3.6.10

upload all the files via ftp then run


follow the on screen instructions

at step 5 remove install.php from the server & your done
version 3.6.10 BUG! Skin Style for Search

Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing or mismatched.

If this occurred unexpectedly, please inform the administrator and describe the action you performed before you received this error.

Report : 3.6.10 Error: Security token was missing or mismatched - vBulletin Community Forum

Pls. EDIT Security Token Notification

Forms are not equal to templates but some templates have forms in them.

A form is anywhere your users can submit data. If you have modifications that submit data and cannot update their templates then you need to post for support in the modification thread.

It isn't hard to find out where this needs to go.

In your Admin CP under Styles & Template select Search In Templates...

Search for:

In every template this occurs in add this line directly after the line containing the above, if it doesn't exist already:

<input type="hidden" name="securitytoken" value="$bbuserinfo[securitytoken]" />


Test MySite URL:
Daz said:
upload all the files via ftp then run


follow the on screen instructions

at step 5 remove install.php from the server & your done

What if you've added products/plugins, and have edited some of your styles to accommodate those plugins and have added things like vBadvanced? Do you still just upload all the files then run the upgrade script, or do you have to do more than that?