how gogle treats sites hosted on same ip range


New Member
Hey guys, we all know the Theories regarding how google devalues links from sites which are hosted on the same class-c ip range. Does anyone have any idea how google treats sites on the same class-A ip range?I don't believe Google tracks IP addresses at all.We have been able to move sites from hosted servers to dedicated server and back again without any effect. Page rank, link counts, and SERPs all remain unchanged.I think this myth was created by link marketers without basis. In fact it is one of the few myths that Google has ever tried to deny.Read this threaduk webmaster wrote:uk webmaster wrote:I did mean class A, im familiar with the size of the range and understand your comments but when dealing with the unknown you have to think out side of the box. One of the myths regarding the google algorithm is that links from sites on the same class c ip range carry less weight than those from separate class c ranges. The above link which I have read dispells this theory making this thread itself irrelevant.Google does NOT hurt the ranking of a site hosted on the same IP as another and that is a webmaster wrote: