I will probably get negative points due to my kind of question but here it goes. I'm very interested in this modern design over at www.bungie.net , the semi full screen slider it's amazing and I would like to know how it works. I do know it uses modernizr and not too sure jquery but can anyone tell me how.\[code\] var d = $("#rotator_destiny"), a = d.find(".backgrounds > div"); if (a.length < 2) return; if (!Modernizr.mobile) { var f = $(".rotator_fade .backgrounds > div > div, .rotator_fade .backgrounds div a, .rotator_fade .backgrounds .on .frontpagebackgroundpanel, .rotator_fade .backgrounds"); f.css("height", document.documentElement.clientHeight + "px"); $(window).on("resize", function () { f.css("height", document.documentElement.clientHeight + "px") }) } var h = a.find(".content"), e = d.find(".thumb"), i = d.find(".marker"), j = d.find(".pager"); tm_rotator = false; autoRotate = function () { var b = a.filter(".on"), c = 0; if (b.next().length > 0) c = a.index(b.next()); g(c, true) }; var g = function (b, d) { e.eq(b).addClass("on").siblings(".on").removeClass("on"); i.eq(b).addClass("on").siblings(".on").removeClass("on"); var c = a.filter(".on"); if (Modernizr.csstransitions) { a.eq(b).addClass("on").siblings(".on").removeClass("on"); a.eq(b).find(".title, .summary").addClass("textEffect") } else { a.stop(true, true); a.find(".title, .summary").stop(true, true); c.find(".title, .summary").hide(); a.eq(b).fadeIn(300, "linear", function () { $(this).find(".title, .summary").show(); $(this).addClass("on").siblings(".on").removeClass("on"); $(this).find(".title, .summary").addClass("shadow") }); c.fadeOut(700, "linear") } clearTimeout(tm_rotator); if (d) tm_rotator = setTimeout(autoRotate, rotateDelay) }; e.on("mouseenter", function () { a.stop(true, true); var c = $(this), b = e.index(c); if (!a.eq(b).hasClass("on")) g(b, false); else clearTimeout(tm_rotator) }); j.on("click", function (b) { b.preventDefault(); a.stop(true, true); clearTimeout(tm_rotator); autoRotate() }); e.on("mouseleave", function () { a.stop(true, true); clearTimeout(tm_rotator); tm_rotator = setTimeout(autoRotate, rotateDelay) }); h.on("mouseenter", function () { a.stop(true, true); clearTimeout(tm_rotator) }); h.on("mouseleave", function () { a.stop(true, true); clearTimeout(tm_rotator); tm_rotator = setTimeout(autoRotate, rotateDelay) }); if (Modernizr.touch) { $("#container_callouts").on("touchstart", function () { a.stop(true, true); clearTimeout(tm_rotator) }); $("#container_callouts").on("touchend", function () { a.stop(true, true); clearTimeout(tm_rotator); tm_rotator = setTimeout(autoRotate, rotateDelay) }) } tm_rotator = setTimeout(autoRotate, rotateDelay) }})\[/code\]});I've tried experimenting with this script and it won't work, maybe I missed something, I don't know. I just want to make something similar but with the same results but with a different art and style. If anyone could give me a hint or something that could help me please do so.Thank you