How does someone block "view source"?


I know this has been talked about before, but always the answer seemed to be that you cannot block someone from viewing your source code. While reading an article about web site design, it mentioned this site (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) and the author wanted feedback on the layout of the site. So I went to view source and a box appears that says copyrighted and when I went to file, view source, it brought up a bunch of gobblygook. So how did they do it? I'm a newbie in many areas of this and I've never run across a site that I couldn't view the source code.<br />
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Thanks in advance.<!--content-->the site was probably encrypted, or you computer was messed up. i can't see why you would want to hide your source code, unless it is crap. if you're trying to save your images, it won't work.<!--content-->It's not gobblygook, it's Javascript. He's just encoded the text of the site and decodes it on the fly with standard Javascript.<!--content-->ya thats accessible :rolleyes:<!--content-->Hi there Rifter72,<br />
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Those encrypted sites can be bypassed<br />
quite easily in a few seconds :D<br />
Check out this site for a variety of options...<br />
<br /> (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->)<br />
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coothead<!--content-->Yep, it is easy to get the source code. The page in particular you posted though, it's source is definately NOT worth copying. It uses tables for layouts, and to even view the website you need a browser with Javascript. If your interested, the source code is below, I definately would NOT recommend copying his technique<!--content-->Thanks for the replies everyone. The funny thing is, I went back to the article that I originally found this site referenced on, and EVERYONE that responded said just what you guys are saying:<br />
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Sloppy HTML<br />
Crappy code<br />
Get rid of the splash page<br />
Stupid for trying to hide source code<br />
etc,etc,etc.<br />
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That was just too funny. Anyway, thanks for the links and stuff!<!--content-->why the hell would anyone waste their time with such stupid measures. There is no way to prevent me from getting images and client side source code because my browser has to Download <!--more--> and read it to display it. What a freaken moron. You know what, I take that back, he made his site so inaccessible and nasty with that crap that no one would want to take his source, he succeded sort of.<br />
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my email to the webmaster<br />
Look at your source code. Is that a site entirely based on javascript? 13% of the internet does not support it accorrding to last year's stats at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... Fhtml.html</a><!-- m --> Can't even make it valid 4.01 transitional. Look, if you were cutting up any % of my business with that javascript and could not even take the time to make this thing valid there is no way in hell I would hire you. Oh yea, your source code is very easy to get, if my browser can display it, I have Download <!--more-->ed it. All your encodeing does, is forces me to spend 2 extra seconds and decode your scipt. But I do not know why you go out of your way and make your script harder to read, no one wants to take that crap anyway. -Nick <br />
I am a real jerk, but it feels good to call people on their lazyness / assdom.<!--content-->They are hiding thier code because they are too embarrassed to have it viewed. :p<!--content-->lol probably. If they spent half the time it took them to do that encodeing and deal with it being unorganized on writing their code correctly theny they would not have to be embarassed.<!--content-->