How does one copy document specific DTD during XSL transformation?


New Member
I have the following document specific DTD at the top of an XML file created by our editing software:\[code\]<!DOCTYPE front SYSTEM "file:///M:/Library/AMH-Paed.dtd" [<!NOTATION cgm PUBLIC "" ><!-- Begin Document Specific Declarations --><!ENTITY fm.tcont " (Continued)"><!ENTITY equation1 SYSTEM "equation11.cgm" NDATA cgm><!ENTITY equation2 SYSTEM "equation26.cgm" NDATA cgm><!ENTITY equation3 SYSTEM "equation32.cgm" NDATA cgm><!ENTITY equation4 SYSTEM "equation41.cgm" NDATA cgm><!ENTITY equation5 SYSTEM "equation51.cgm" NDATA cgm><!ENTITY equation6 SYSTEM "equation62.cgm" NDATA cgm><!-- End Document Specific Declarations -->]>\[/code\]We're updating the general doctype for our content, and so transforming the current XML files through XSLT.We have a couple of hundred documents, but only a handful of them have any specific declarations (which vary in number, name, and value) which we have to maintain through the transformation.However, I can't find a way to maintain the above entity declarations through the transformation.Is it possible, and how would you do it?