how does my page layout look


Staff member
hey all, This is my second layout for this site.... I can't seem to make somthing i like. Let me kno what you think. None o the links work yet.<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->Just a few little things to fix up: see link (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... &verbose=1</a><!-- m -->).<br />
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Both of the stylesheets should be inside the <head> section, combined as one piece and preferably located as the very last item before the </head> tag. Even better would be to put the stylesheet in an external .css file and link to it from the head section with:<br />
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" src="/path/file.css"><br />
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Add alt="some text" to every <img > tag, the text reflecting what is in the dispayed image. On unimportant images, like spacer elements, a minimum of alt="" is fine. For bullet-point images, alt="*" is often used. Search engines do index the alt text. The alt attribute is a required element.<br />
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You have a duplicated img inside a tag, which causes code failure:<br />
<img border="0" img src="robouk.mchost..gif" width...<!--content-->thanx for the code errors! giz, i'll be sure to fix them... <br />
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But what about the Layout, the overall looks?<!--content-->looks really nice. only thing that stood out to me was one typo. you spelled going wrong.<br />
you have GOWING.<br />
make it GOING.<br />
and thats all, i believe. the links are positioned nicely <br />
one more thing: make your news section have the newest posts at the top, not the bottom.<br />
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(although they dont go anywhere yet). nice layout, if i do say so myself.<!--content-->