How does Google treat pointers?


New Member
We have a site that is 6 years old and has always done quite well ranking-wise for my keywords. When originally started years ago the owner also bought up some other domain names (4) to which he set up pointers having them all look at the main company site. What I've noticed in my research recently is that some of the pages with the pointer domain in the URL are ranking quite well, but the exact same page using the actual company domain (the domain associated with that server) won't show up at all. This is become problematic because often the pointer domain name makes no sense to the subject of the page its looking at. And I would obviously prefer that only our "core" company domain show up in the searches.I've read that search engines are not too happy with "duplicate content" on different URLs. Is that what's happening here? Does Google know what is a pointer and what isn't? And once Google finds a specific page (like a page with the pointer domain), does it then ignore any other identical pages found on that server? which is why then these same pages with our correct company domain aren't showing up.Thanks for any insight.I came across a simailer issue with a site I just started to manage. The domain has dozens of aliased domains pointing to it....why would someone buy a bunch of domain names to point back to one site?Same problem as picked up one of the aliases and used that in the results....The reason, I believe, was due to poor coding. They would make references/links to the home pages using "/" and then all the internal urls were composed that same way i.e. "/somefolder/pagename.htm"I think I fixed it by adding a base href tag to the top of the when I go to the site all the links point to the actual domain and not the alias. The base code looks like this.<BASE HREF="">I'm not sure if this was a solution or not...too soon to tell....anyone else have any input?