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Are OBJECT includes spidered by Google?I want to make my nav bar an external file then use the OBJECT tag in my actuall .html files, so if I need to change the nav bar I only have to change one file, instead of 50.Will Google spider that object as part of the page it is included in or as the seperate text file it really is?I think so...I use include files in asp which I believe work the same as the "object" tag but they are rendered server they get delivered to the browser as part of the page. I'm guessing that the object tag is browser dependent so I may require a browser and not a bot. But this would allow you to server up some sort of conect to the spider via a parm tag in the object declaration.Excerpt from an artile "An object element can appear inside the head or the body element. The text between the <object> and </object> is the alternate text, for browsers that do not support this tag"...can anyone confirm this?I found another source that confirms what you said. With a server side include, the client (be it human or machine) only sees the final version and reads it as if it were a single file...because now it is.I've still not found a definitive answer on client side includes, but I'm not going to worry about it. I'll just use ASP instead.