How does array(__CLASS__, work in wordpress?


New Member
I'm trying to mod a wordpress plugin to take custom categories. So when the random_post_link is called, I can add the custom category by using random_post_link('Random Link',3). 3 being the category name.[*]How does the plugin below create a new object of class Random_Post_Link? I thought you created new objects by doing something like:$a = new random_post_link;But I don't see that in the plugin. I think it creates the new object in the init function by using a hook:add_action('init', array(CLASS, 'jump'));If that's the case, how can I add parameter to jump function?I think I know how add_action works, the second parameter should be the function name, how does " array(CLASS, 'jump')" work?Here's the full code for the plugin:\[code\]function random_post_link($text = 'Random Post',$the_cat = 36) { printf('<a href="">%s</a>', get_random_post_url(), $text); $the_category = $the_cat;}function get_random_post_url() { return trailingslashit(get_bloginfo('url')) . '?' . Random_Post_Link::query_var;}class Random_Post_Link { const query_var = 'random'; const name = 'wp_random_posts'; public $the_category; function init() { add_action('init', array(__CLASS__, 'jump')); // Fire just after post selection add_action('wp', array(__CLASS__, 'manage_cookie')); } // Jump to a random post function jump() { if ( ! isset($_GET[self::query_var]) ) return; $args = apply_filters('random_post_args', array( 'post__not_in' => self::read_cookie(), )); $args = array_merge($args, array( 'orderby' => 'rand', 'cat' => $the_category, 'showposts' => 1, )); $posts = get_posts($args); if ( empty($posts) ) { self::update_cookie(array()); unset($args['post__not_in']); $posts = get_posts($args); } if ( empty($posts) ) wp_redirect(get_bloginfo('url')); $id = $posts[0]->ID; wp_redirect(get_permalink($id)); die; } // Collect post ids that the user has already seen function manage_cookie() { if ( ! is_single() ) return; $ids = self::read_cookie(); $id = $GLOBALS['posts'][0]->ID; if ( count($ids) > 200 ) $ids = array($id); elseif ( ! in_array($id, $ids) ) $ids[] = $id; self::update_cookie($ids); } private function read_cookie() { return explode(' ', @$_COOKIE[self::name]); } private function update_cookie($ids) { setcookie(self::name, trim(implode(' ', $ids)), 0, '/'); }}Random_Post_Link::init();\[/code\]