i think i found the solution vb.com ...(i think)
Step by Step: Create a test forum based on a 'snapshot' of your live one
This is a how to on creating a test forum based on a 'snapshot' of your existing one, including all it's current hacks, mods, styles and templates (basically an exact copy of your existing forum!). It's already detailed in the vB manual - but I have made it into an easy to follow step by step.
This is very useful if you will be using the 'testing forum' for any hacks or mods that you will want to move to your 'live' forum at some stage.
SSH required?: Yes
FTP required?: Yes
Mysql Database required?: Yes
In your vB Admin Control Panel (ACP)
vBulletin Options > Turn Your vBulletin On and Off
> Forum Active
> Click on: NO
> Reason For Turning Forum Off
Enter a reason such as:
HTML Code:
<p>Hi All - We're just carrying out a back-up.</p>
<p>The forum will be offline for around 10 minutes or so - will be as fast as we can!. Sorry for any inconvenience. </p>
> click on SAVE
In your vB Admin Control Panel (ACP)
vBulletin Options > Cookies and HTTP Header Options > Path to Save Cookies
Make a note of the existing setting (for example mine is set to: /myforums/ )
Then change the setting to:
> click on SAVE
Log in to your server via SSH
Type the following:
mysqldump --opt -u databaseuser -p databasename > /path/to/backupname.sql
Replace databaseuser with the Username for that database
Replace databasename with the Database Name
Replace /path/to/backupname.sql with the path that you wish to save your back up to (and make a note of it).
You will be asked for a password. Type it in and press Enter. Your database will be backed up.
(Incidently this is also a good way to make backups of your database - always remb to turn the forums of first tho)
In your vB Admin Control Panel (ACP)
vBulletin Options > Cookies and HTTP Header Options > Path to Save Cookies
Revert back to what your original setting was: (mine was: /myforums/ )
In your vB Admin Control Panel (ACP)
vBulletin Options > Turn Your vBulletin On and Off
> Forum Active
> Click on: YES
> click on SAVE
> FTP to your site and copy all your files from your current fourms directory/folder to your PC.
> Once copied rename that folder on your PC to: testvb
(the test forum will be located at
HINT: make sure your ftp program is set to copy 'hidden' files such as .htacces (if you have any)
Create a new mysql database - when done come back and follow the next step.
Log in to your server via SSH
Type the following:
mysql -u databaseuser -p databasename < /path/to/backupname.sql
Replace databaseuser with the NEW User that you just created in STEP SEVEN
Replace databasename with NEW Database Name you just created in STEP SEVEN
Replace /path/to/backupname.sql with the path that was previously saved to as in STEP THREE.
You will be asked for a password. Type in the NEW password as created in STEP SEVEN and press Enter. Your snapshot will then be saved.
Ok in the files you FTP'd in STEP SIX go to and open:
> Includes > config.php
> Then enter the details you used in STEP SEVEN, ie the:
database name
database user
> Save and exit file
> FTP back to your site and copy the folder you renamed to testvb, along with all its contents (from STEP SIX) into your root directory. WARNING: if you have not renamed this folder, it will overwrite your existing files!
HINT: make sure your ftp program is set to copy 'hidden' files such as .htacces (if you have any)
HINT: You can alternatively copy the files using your ftp client from one directory to another, meaning you can bypass STEP SIX but not all servers/ftp programs allows this.
OK almost done!
> go to your NEW forum, so:
www.yoursite.com/your-test-forum-name ('your-test-forum-name' as specified in STEP SIX)
> In vB Admin Control Panel (ACP)
> vBulletin Options > Cookies and HTTP Header Options > Path to Save Cookies
change to:
> click on SAVE
If you are putting the test forum onto another domain you need to go to:
ACP > vBulletin Options > Site Name / Url / Contact details
And then change the url to the new url under Forum URL and Homepage URL