how do you proggram a forum?


HOW:) :) :)<!--content-->using HTML and a variety of programming languages and<br />
webservers and<br />
database<br />
<br />
Programming languages <br />
<br />
JSP<br />
PHP<br />
ASP<br />
Perl<br />
ColdFusion<br />
C/C++(CGI programming)<br />
<br />
Plus extremely good knowledge of databases(SQL to write efficient queries)<br />
and so on...<!--content-->dont forget, I made my forum(and am still maken it, its a progressive project) with You are leaving out one of the most powerful tools here (I wonder how stacks up with jsp... they are both object oriented so...)<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="">http://knights.europe.webmatrixhosting. ... orums.aspx</a><!-- m --><!--content-->I have not seen its syntax,how different it is from ASP( I know C# is almost 95+% Java)<!--content-->Well the main andvantages of are really under the hood I believe, I mean some of the things would just cut the work you would have to do to make something with asp classic in half. For instance the view state will save you a whole lot of scripting, thats encripted code genorated by the server which holds a bunch of its variables. Also the web.config saves you a bunch of xml scripting work. C# is powerful I guess but having more experience in vb I use it instead. Basically its the difference between vb and vbscript. I will probably start using c# more once I get better at java (I am taking a class in java at school).<!--content-->I don't know if this helps, but you can get a pretty cool (free) forum through ChatArea. It lets you personalize absolutely everything, and saves all the time of coding.<br />
<br />
I know how it is to want to code and create your own things, though. :)<!--content-->You could also get an invision board for free as well as a phpbb forum and a vbullitian etc, there are tons of free forum source codes if you host it yourself that you can personallize (while most do not give you total control) you can also use the ones on <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> etc.<!--content-->