How do you post information from a form on to a new page?


Staff member
Hey, I am using ASP and just started to learn yesterday. what i to do is when you hit submit. it will load a new page and post the information that you entered. here is script i currently use that i made. and it post's under the form but i want it to post on a new page.. so how do i do this?

<body bgcolor="#3366CC">
<form action="demo_simpleform.asp" method="post">
<h3><font size "2" color="#33CC00"> Fallen Leaves RO Forum Support</h3>
<font size "1" color="#FFFFFF">
<input type="text" name="rlname" size="20" />
Ingame Name:<br>
<input type="text" name="igname" size="20">
Email Adress:
<input type="text" name="mail" size="20">
What do you need help with?
<select name="problem">
<option value=" ">Please select a option below</option>"selected="selected"
<option value="Donation Error/Problem">Donation</option>
<option value="Missing Item/Items">Missing items</option>
<option value="Ingame Bugs" >Ingame Bugs</option>
<option value="Abuse from players/gm">Abuse</option>
<option value="Other Problems">Other</option>
<input type="text" name="comment" size="100">
Please explain your problem and enter your questions here:
<textarea rows="20" cols="100" input type="text" name="question"> </textarea>
<font size "2" color="#CCFFFF">
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
<input type="reset" value="Reset">

dim rlname
If rlname<>"" Then
Response.Write("Real Life Name: " & rlname & "<br />")
End If

dim igname
If igname<>"" Then
Response.Write("ingame name: " & igname & "<br />")
End If

dim mail
If mail<>"" Then
Response.Write("Email Adress: " & mail & "<br />")
End If

dim problem
If problem<>"" Then
Response.Write("" & problem & "<br />")
End If

dim comment
If comment<>"" Then
Response.Write("Subject: " & comment & "<br />")
End If

dim question
If question<>"" Then
Response.Write("<br />" & question & "<br />")
End If

here is a example on a web site.

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> mind i got it ! woot =]great job! It is always good when people are able to do things they thought were impossible.