How do you manage your build [using Phing] process?


New Member
I'm trying to use Phing to automate :
  • running tests
  • running DB migrations on each Developer machine [using dbdeply]
  • deployment to production when needed
I think it does make sense to add a build folder in my project and put all my build configuration files and db deltas in that folder. and commit all that into the SVN repository. so every developer will get the updated build files when he check-out from svn. and be able to run the build to update his DB with the new changes.on the production server:I was planning to add another build file there to get the latest Tagged version in svn and perform CSS & JS compression.I was planning to implement continues integration using PHPUnderControl too, so I can keep track of the result of each build and get notified whenever the build, do you think this all does make sense, or you do have other better suggestions?