how do you make hyperlink that open a frame which load a specific page?


hi<br />
as the question asks: how do you make hyperlink that open a frame which loads a specific page?<br />
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for example<br />
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if I click a link, the link will open a new page, the new page is a page which contain 2 frame, top frames and bottom frames, what I want is a way to load a specific page for the bottom frame base on the link that I click, in other word, the bottom frame will open different page if I click a different link<br />
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please help me do this, thanks!:D<!--content-->the only thing i can think of is to make a different page for each link<br />
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for example, u have a files link and a programs link<br />
u make a files.html and a programs.html<br />
u put the same thing in the top iframe in both pages but just change the bottom one<!--content-->u got a page addy we can look at?<!--content-->If I understand your question correctly then your page would have a sort of menu and a main area, both of which are different frames. To get a page to load in a specific frame is quite simple really, all you have to do is to name the frame you want it to load to. For example, say you name the frame that all the pages will load into "Fred". The code to load a page into "Fred" is <br />
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<a href="page.htm" target="Fred">Some Page</a><!--content-->hi<br />
wnat I want to do is kind of combination of Annatar's idea and dork1337h4x0r's idea!<br />
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I want open up a new window, but no matter which link you click, the same window will be open!<br />
The window consists 2 frame, top and bottom, top frame is the same for all, but the bottom frame will change DEPENDS on which link you click<br />
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please help me, thank you!:D<!--content-->