How do you make a link update two frames


I'm trying to make a link that when hit updates the navbar frame and at the sametime updates main frame.<!--content-->if you are opening the link url in 2 frames or any other communication.can be done.<br />
In the onclick event of the link add a mthod may be of this sort<br />
<br />
onclick="Process('');"<br />
<br />
and in the js part of the code define this methods as below.<br />
<br />
function Process(url){<br />
//presuming both frames has the following name attributes set<br />
//frame 1. name="navigator"<br />
//frame 2. name="content"<br />
<br />
//now you can open the link in 2 frames<br />
<br />
parent.navigator.location.href = <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=";"> ... x.php/url;</a><!-- m --><br />
parent.contents.location.href = <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=";"> ... x.php/url;</a><!-- m --><br />
<br />
}<!--content-->Originally posted by khalidali63 <br />
onclick="Process('');"Oh, cruel jest. To abuse the very URL of the W3C in such a sinister fashion. For that would give you a link that fails for 13% of users. And amoung that goodly multitude are counted those who cannot use browsers with JavaScript because of their disabilities. <br />
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Instead copy your frameset but substitute the URLs for the ones you want and then load that new frameset with the link. If you have a lot of pages, then you can use a server side script to generate the framesets on the fly.<!--content-->There are tonnes of threads out there on this forum expressing their detest for your taste of words,I don't want to add one more to your credit.<br />
I'd consider you a genuine vigilante if you bothered answering some un answered threads on these forums,Since as I write these lines there are threads that need responding,On the other hand you get some sort of satisfaction in mailgnant comments targetting those who merely help out those who come here for some simple solution to make their boss get off their asses....or something else...<br />
Suite yourself charles..try to solve problems the rather just rant....<!--content-->But your reply simply substitutes a known problem for one that is unknown. Unknow to swatpup32 that is. You are perfectly aware what harm your method will cause and how it disadvanteges the disabled. And you know that the W3C has emplored you to not use it. You have suggested that method not out of ignorance but out of malice. And with your example you mock those who would see the web universally accessible.<!--content-->We had never been universally accessible,and will nver be one( as long as there is MS),,,wake up..or better yet..stop smoking ..:-)<br />
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Take care good buddy..:D<!--content-->hey... how about instead of bickering...<br />
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Charles....<br />
can you please tell me how it is possible that you have 2 1/2 cats <br />
(I mean... y'can't just say that.... and then not explain it :rolleyes: )<br />
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curiousity is killing this kitty...<br />
;) k<!--content-->I used to have 4 cats, but one of them didn't have its full compliment of legs. Maybe it's like that.<!--content-->that's really funny cijori :)<br />
(not about the cat... but the way that you phrased it)<br />
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but still...<br />
the 1/2 cat would need to be something other than just a regular cats minus some propulsion.<br />
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there is a story there...<br />
and I wish Charles would just go ahead and tell it already<br />
(please Charles... :) )<br />
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my apologies to pup for piggy-backing his thread (it was necessary)...<br />
;) k<br />
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EDIT:<br />
notice how I incorporated a large portion of the animal community into this one post. Sometimes I'm so clever that I scare myself :)<!--content-->Originally posted by khaki <br />
(it was necessary)... <br />
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Yep. Give the public what it wants. Information about disabled cats. No offence, Charles, but I would have thought you would be pleased to talk about it.<!--content-->Originally posted by khaki <br />
regular cats minus some propulsion.<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
Holly cripes ....that cracke me<br />
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Hey K ..I heard you guys can buy booz on sundays as well...does that have to do any thing with this..:-)<br />
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EDIT:[/]<br />
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opps sowy..thought you were from NY..<br />
<br />
I guess we can buy it on sundays in calgary ..<!--content-->One cat ran away two doors up, but it keeps comming back. Just yesterday the neighbors agreed to take over the vet records. It's not that I own all of one half cat but that I own half of one whole cat.<!--content-->oh... right.<br />
yeah.... that's probably better for the cat (not the running away part... but the "whole cat" part. I'd hate to imagine the other scenario :eek: )<br />
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thanks for clearing that up Charles<br />
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and by the way...<br />
now that I am staying at the beach... my 1 1/2 cats back home (in Bergen County) now must do without me (it's 3 cats.... none of which belong to me)...<br />
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but I have befriended another 1/2 cat down here (although he really stinks and I can't let him in the house because he is full of sand and who knows what else). He's tough looking though (with a torn ear).... and he loves jumping into your hand when you try to pet him (it's really quite odd behavior :rolleyes: )<br />
<br />
and if we've learned nothing else from all of this.... it's that it's better to own 1/2 of a whole cat, than all of a 1/2 cat (thanks Charles :) )<br />
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another mystery solved...<br />
;) k<!--content-->hey Khalid...<br />
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I just saw your edit :eek:<br />
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Yikes... are you insinuating that I am drunk!? :rolleyes:<br />
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yes... we can buy "booze" on Sunday (in NY and in NJ)...<br />
but my dialog today is based on "cabin fever".... not liquor<br />
(2nd rainy weekend in a row :( )<br />
<br />
so... I'm just burning time on the computer (a little work... a little play) and hopefully I will have gotten enough work done that I can play outside tomorrow, as it is supposed to be a sunny day :)<br />
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besides... today is a workout day (no drinking!)<br />
<br />
quite sober...<br />
;) k<!--content-->