How do you find the layout of my site in different resolutions?


Hi, I would like some advice about the layout of my website.<br />
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I designed it to be viewed best in 1024 x 768 as this is becoming more and more popular.<br />
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I did however think about you people with 800 x 600 resolutions but I would like to know if you think it is ACCEPTABLE in that resolution (I realise that is is not as good as it could be for that size)<br />
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And sadly you unfortunate people with 640 x 480 resolution, the site layout messes up completely and is almost impossible to use.<br />
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The problem with the my site is caused by the fact that the content is browsed from left-to-right instead of top-to-bottom. This means that if I was to design it completely for 800 x 600 resolution the peope with 1024 x 768, 1152 x 864, 1280 x 1024 etc. will have a little tiny strip across the top of the screen with the content in while the bottom of the screen is empty.<br />
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So please let me know what you think it looks like in different resolutions. <br />
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You can find my site <contains girls in bikinis>URL RemovedHERE[/URL] </contains girls in bikinis><br />
Thanks!<!--content-->We recently had a serious banter about a similar topic. I would suggest you would do best by reading this thread in full. My view is 800*600 as 51% of viewers will surf at this res. Only 6% at lower res's. A good point raised by fluffy (Scoutt) is that even tho his screen will view at a hi res yet will keep it at 800*600. The point being although a lot of people are ignorant to changing there screen res, however a good bunch of em know how to but won't. Beats me as to why! Maybe blue fluffy things have better eye sight! Anyway I strongly suggest you click the link below and have a good gander and come to your own conclusion. Pay attention to the stuff about live space... As Mr Micheal Caine says <accent dialect="cokney">Not alot of People know that!</accent><br />
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Cokney is spelt wrongly I know, Profanity filters.....<!--content-->This has nothing to do with your site's resolution but you should warn those that "test" your site that you have half-nudity on your site and that your associates/links are porn sites with major pop-up porn ads. My kids were behind me when I viewed your page, not knowing it had this sort of content. Had I known that a page like this was being linked off an html forum, I would NOT have let them watch. :mad:<!--content-->I agree with Cyn. A little warning in your profile would be good. Not a porn site but your associate links are a bit dodgy.<br />
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I did like your site tho, well presented and think it looks great at 1000 pixels + in width. The mechanics of the site are great. Some great wallpapers of celebs. I like the site keep it up. But do get that warning in if you can... I think you may incur the wrath of the mods if you don't sort the pop up out tho especially without a warning. I stress to add I did not find the actual site offensive or pornographic. Maybe a 15+ lad rateing would be advisable.<br />
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Get A kylie Minogue wallpaper will you! You have one of her sister.<!--content-->definitely check out the thread on this.<br />
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and "babe" wallpapers are cheesy (my apologies to all the 14yo's). go for something else. who are you, really? do a site on that.<!--content-->Thanks for your responses. I have decided to alter my site to be best viewed in 800 x 600. <br />
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Also, sorry to Cyn for not warning about the content. I don't believe that the site needs a warning page because there is actually no nudity on the site. its just girls in bikinis (which all ages are allowed to view).<br />
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I have however removed the pop-up when you enter the site!<!--content-->I have already closed one of your threads and asked you to please not post anything pornographic.<br />
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Sure, your site is clean, but the links from it are not and they are still there so I am closing this thread down as well. :mad:<br />
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Please edit the link from your profile or it will done for you.<br />
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In behalf of the HTML Forums I apologize to anyone who was offended by this thread. <br />
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