So basically I had a wordpress I made from scratch, with around 20,000,000 total visits, getting around 100,000-300,000 visits a day, and thats amazing for a 15-year old. Anyhow, Im 17 now. Got my site permanantly suspended by Mark himself for repeated advertisements and got an email directly from him saying he would "never NEVER NEVER" unsuspend me. So I made a new site on my own domain. Added a forums, etc. to make the content good. The only problem is, it's been several months, only 800 visits a day.
Ive analyzed what happened before and the major reason, I believe, for my first success was back-linking. I went to every blog/site that was the same as me in subject and commented/emailed them asking them to link to me on their blogroll. And, after about 400-500 people out of thousands who decided to do it for
Ive analyzed what happened before and the major reason, I believe, for my first success was back-linking. I went to every blog/site that was the same as me in subject and commented/emailed them asking them to link to me on their blogroll. And, after about 400-500 people out of thousands who decided to do it for