How do you do that...sigh


That is great, eforms! I didn't change it yet, but it looks much better just looking at it. What am I missing here? I have the basics of tables down - or at least understood, but I can see I have a ways to go. Now, how do you do that so fast?? :)<br />
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Thank you SOOOOO much! I'm so tired I can hardly see straight anymore, but first thing tomorrow when I get on here I'll change it and see. I really worked at that mess I had - and of course, when I post the link to it I guess I should take that "sorry" gif off, huh!<!--content-->Hi!<br />
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Playing with tables is fun for me.<br />
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What you miss is the table/cell size, as you can see from my tables, I define the table width size in pixels not in %. Secondly, I used one extra cell (in the middle of two pictures) as a spacer/separater cell with defined width.<br />
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I like to use tables and cells with defined widths. Easy to handle. To see the example of nested table go to:<br />
Satin Tutorial (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->). Another one at Satin Samples (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->)<!--content-->Well, now, that's something about table the tutorial doesn't have - the sizing code..did I say that right? :eek:<br />
I guess I have a ways to go, but hopefully I'll get there. When I first started learning tables I was dumb-founded, but they're beginning to make more sense every time I play with them. And they can be fun!<br />
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This satin samples - what are those used for? Are they backgrounds?<!--content-->Eforms, it is always better to do your table widths in percentage, that way they show up in that percent of the screen in any resolution. Also instead of putting a blank cell inbetween two pictures, an easier way to do it is, first: creat one big table, second: creat two side by side cells inside of that table, third: set the cellspacing= of the table to how far you want them spaced apart.<br />
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Simple example...<br />
<br />
<table width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=5 border=0><br />
<tr><br />
<td><br />
image<br />
</td><br />
<td><br />
image<br />
</td><br />
</tr><br />
</table><!--content-->Hi R_Russell!<br />
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I respect your opinion on doing tables. But, there is no hard and fact rule to do tables width in % and just to keep space between the two cells, we should use cell padding or else. In my opinion tables width in % cause mess at the user end. What I mean, I am using dual 21 inch monitors, any web site made in any resolution will appear in good shape on my monitor, but not every one have this facility, most of the web users having 15-17 inch monitors and there resolutions are set to 800x600 - tables with width mentioned in % go crazy there.<br />
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The method I use, I believe, is easy enough to understand for a newbie and very simple also without extra tagging.<br />
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Everybody have its own method of doing work, may be my method is not so good, which is difficult to except for me. I like to go by my experience.<!--content-->i disagree with russel<br />
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if you use % and the window is minimised by the user then prepare for a rather large mess<br />
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if on the other hand you use a fixed size, a scrollbar will appear and the structure will stay the same.<br />
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A good method is to have an outer table set at a fixed width probably 600 pixels, this allows for resolutions of 800*600, 1024*768 etc etc<br />
<br />
then all your % widths are relative to the outer tables fixed 600 pixel width<br />
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just an idea :)<!--content-->i got a 14" monitor :) and i have my desktop set to 1024*768 lol 800x600 makes everything look to big and ugly<br />
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i set my screen too 800*600 when actually creating my layout, then test at all possible resolutions my graphics card allows. i also dont use %, i like to have control over the size of my cells.<!--content-->