How do you close a parent window?


Staff member

We currently have a Web application written in ASP (that I have been recently assigned to take over) with a Log In screen that takes a user name and password. This login screen then calls itself with the submit button, validates the input, and then if validated opens a new window (with no toolbar, and sized accordingly) using JavaScript (onLoad = Immediate()). This window is really the app. I want to close the original parent window (Log In Screen). A problem is that once the user is finished with the app, they close (or when they click Log Out the child window is closed) the child window (app), and then they hit refresh on the login screen (no name or password in fields), the chid app comes back up with the previous login name and password (security problem). I think it would be easier just to close the parent window. Any ideas? Any help would GREATLY be appreciated! Thanks.

BJ Watts

function Immediate()

// Open new window
Immediate ="default-2.asp","Immediate","toolbar=no,width=800,height=550,left=0,top=0,directories=no,status=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,m enubar=no");