How do we change the color of the scrollbar?


Staff member
I'm seeing this a lot on websites now. How do we do it?<!--content--><style><br />
<!--BODY {scrollbar-face-color:000000; <br />
scrollbar-shadow-color:000000; <br />
scrollbar-highlight-color:000000; <br />
scrollbar-3dlight-color:000000; <br />
scrollbar-darkshadow-color:000000; <br />
scrollbar-track-color:000000; <br />
scrollbar-arrow-color:000000;}--><br />
</style><br />
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change the hex colours to whatever suits you<!--content-->but only works for IE 5.1 and up. no netscape<!--content-->Yah i am seeing it alot lately too but i just upgraded to IE 5.5 soooo i guess that's why.<!--content-->Look here (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) for the tutorial and see which colors appear where.<!--content-->