How do position a table to the upper left with no gap?


What is the trick?<br />
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I've got a table with text and graphics that I want positioned in the upper left of the screen. I can't remember how to do that.<br />
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Thanks for the tips.<!--content-->You may need to specify your margins as "0"<!--content--><body topmargin="0" leftmargin="0"><br />
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hope it helps!<br />
chris<pixelmonkey>:monkey:<!--content-->Thanks! I just had a bit of a brain fart.<!--content-->Geeze i came here to find out this Answer and it was as simple as That lol!<br />
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I never even knew Web Pages had Margins lol!<br />
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We live and Learn!<br />
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Got it down Thankyou SO much!<!--content-->