how do open a window like this on my site? (pic includied)


Like there no back or forward buttons<br />
jus a simple window with the html in it...get wat im tryin got say?<!--content-->not quite sure what you are saying. :arcade:<!--content-->You mean like chromeless windows described here: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... meless.htm</a><!-- m --><!--content-->ya ya its kinda like that chromeless window<br />
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if you look at the picture, its a webpage inside a window with just the title bar...all the web broswer buttons have been stripped.<br />
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anyway i can do this by jus adding some code?<!--content-->to help you if you gave us the url where the picture is located.<!--content-->A GOOGLE search on 'chromeless windows' got more than 4000 hits. Somebody here could probably explain how to do it, but it would be like re-inventing the wheel.<br />
Also try a search for 'chromeless window' here at HTMLFORUMS! I got 18 threads on this topic. ;)<!--content-->Originally posted by KWJams <br />
to help you if you gave us the url where the picture is located. <br />
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its in the original post dude...<br />
it says<br />
<br />
Attachment: chat.jpg<br />
This has been Download <!--more-->ed 13 time(s).<!--content-->looking at a picture does not do us any good in telling you how a page functions.<!--content-->tru<br />
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well i got it anyway...can u guys just do me a favor..and tell me if everything is lined up properly when the chat loads?<br />
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ull know wat i mean if it doesn't....<br />
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go to<br />
then hit chat @ the top<!--content-->some ppl say it doesn't work for doesnt open as a pop up it opens as a maximized window<br />
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this is code im using<br />
<br />
a href="javascript:void'chat.htm','picture','height=514,width=544').focus()">CHAT&nbsp;</a><!--content-->Opened OK for me at about the right dimensions. Didn't see anything there but a grey box. Incomplete Java applet or something?<!--content-->u didnt' see the bg graphic?<br />
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the java applet shoudl work..if ur running xp..u mite need to install java machine<!--content-->worked ok for me on win2000 IE6<!--content-->(Win 2K IE6 as well) <br />
Dunno what was happening there. :confused:<!--content-->