How do I?????????


I can't seem to find the code to link a .zip file to an image or a set of images. Like, say someone wants to Download <!--more--> a set of images they see and it's in a .zip file, what do I use to make it possible for them to click on an image and have that window pop up so they can dowload the .zip file? Please help me. :(<br />
You can email me at:<br />
<!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e --><br />
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thank you. :)<!--content-->like so:<br />
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<a href=><img src=yourserver/yourimage.jpg>click here to Download <!--more--> the zip file</a><br />
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There isn't much to be gained by zipping an image file, its already in binary which doesn't allow for too much compression. I guess if the image file is really big (a few mega bytes) zipping might help a little bit.<br />
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I zipped a 237KB jpg image and it compressed to only 232KB. I also zipped a 2MB bmp image and it zipped to 835KB, so that would help speed up Download <!--more-->ing the file.<br />
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Regards,<br />