I'm not sure if I'll describe this very well... but:I have a div, and I'd like to use the id of the div as a variable in my jQuery function. There's a variable with the same name as the ID value, and it has already been declared as a number .. at the moment I get NaN. I just need the variable whatIsIt to land in the function as aqstn - the jsfiddle has an alert with the id.. but it doesn't translate into the number of what it is in the code.. if you know what I mean.!?To better explain, here's a js fiddle of the problem!http://jsfiddle.net/CpFqk/jQuery:\[code\]$('.add').click(function() { whatIsIt = $(this).attr('id'); alert (whatIsIt); base = (base+whatIsIt); // base = (base+aqstn); --> This works OK // Some maths to get +- 15% fifteen = (base*.15) price1 = (base+fifteen) price2 = (base-fifteen) $(".price span.more").html(price1); $(".price span.less").html(price2);});\[/code\]