How do I transfer my domain?

I've just been through the pain of a domain name xfer. I saved the database & file system from the old host & copied over to the new one. Changed the config file & fired up the forum. Didn't work as I still had references to the old domain name embedded within the database. In the end I re-installed vBulletin. The I had to selectively amend & copy old tables to the new database. Run diagnostics & tools.php over the new system & it's now working fine.
Sorry for your trouble with transferrring BUT when you move to another server, you need to change the config.php file to point to the new location AND you need to adjust your vboptions to point to the new location. If you are using a custom style you may need to adjust the url settings in your MainCSS and StyleVar as well. You really don't have to reinstall everything NOR do you have to change anything in the database typically. Everything that needs to be changed is in the admincp except the config.php file unless you have MODs or third part apps that need to be reconfigured.