How do i style a span to look like a link without using javascript?


New Member
For my website i'll need to use \[code\]<span>\[/code\] instead of \[code\]<a>\[/code\] because i'm using mostly ajax and thus instead of links i have onclick ajax events as attributes in my spans.As a result, i've had to manually style the spans to look like links. I've used hover and visited pseudo classes to change background and text colour, but to change the mouse default to a pointer finger on hover, will i need to use javascript? Or can i do that using css?Also, i've just realized...couldnt i just use the \[code\]<a>\[/code\] tag anyways instead of \[code\]<span>\[/code\], but just instead of an href, i would include an onclick? It should work just the same, no?