I used a tutorial on Netflix's site to correctly download a gzip of an API query for a specific movie. When I changed the code to download a gzip of the entire Netflix catalog, the script doesn't work anymore.When I run the script, the API query ends with "?output=json;" This returns no results. When I manually remove the trailing semicolon, the catalog downloads inside my browser window. Due to its size that's not exactly an option.Netflix tutorial: http://developer.netflix.com/page/resources/sample_phpMy modifications:\[code\]<?phpinclude ('OAuthSimple.php');$apiKey = 'MY KEY';$sharedSecret = 'MY SECRET';/* THIS CODE BLOCK WORKS$arguments = Array( term=>'fargo', expand=>'formats,synopsis', max_results=> '1', output=>'json' ); */ $arguments = Array( output=>'json' );//$path = "http://api-public.netflix.com/catalog/titles"; // ORIGINAL CODE FOR MOVIE SEARCH$path = "http://api-public.netflix.com/catalog/titles/streaming"; // Full Catalog Search$oauth = new OAuthSimple();$signed = $oauth->sign(Array(path=>$path, parameters=>$arguments, signatures=> Array('consumer_key'=>$apiKey, 'shared_secret'=>$sharedSecret )));// Now go fetch the data.$curl = curl_init();curl_setopt($curl,CURLOPT_URL,$signed['signed_url']);curl_setopt($curl,CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER,array('Accept-Encoding: gzip'));curl_setopt($curl,CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1);curl_setopt($curl,CURLOPT_SETTIMEOUT,2);$buffer = curl_exec($curl);if (curl_errno($curl)){ die ("An error occurred:".curl_error());}curl_close($curl);//$result = json_decode($buffer);$fp = fopen('data.gzip', 'w');fwrite($fp, $buffer);fclose($fp);?><p><b>Your signed URL:</b></br><?php print $signed['signed_url'] ?>;</p><p>And the output is:</br><pre> <?php print print_r($buffer); ?></pre></p>\[/code\]