New Member
I can't seem to find an article with this same problem.I have an XML file like this:\[code\]<user id="" name="" termsofuse=""><firstname value="" /> <lastname value="" /> <avatarlink value="" /> <yearregistered value="" /> <lastlogin value="" /> <stateorprovince value="" /> <country value="" /> <webaddress value="" /> <xboxaccount value="" /> <wiiaccount value="" /> <psnaccount value="" /> <battlenetaccount value="" /> <steamaccount value="" /> <traderating value="" /> </user>\[/code\]And I am using the following code to extract the data:\[code\]static string QueryTheData(XDocument doc){ var data = item in doc.Descendants("user") select new { avatarlink = item.Element("avatarlink").Value, lastlogin = item.Element("lastlogin").Value, }; var t = ""; foreach (var p in data) t += p.ToString(); return t;}\[/code\]But my values returned are null. I'm wondering if it's because the XML file begins:\[code\]<user id="" name="" termsofuse="">\[/code\]Whereas in all the examples I have found the XML begins like this:\[code\]<user> ... etc\[/code\]How can I read these values in this format?