how do i remove high mysql on forum


New Member
hi guys i would like to know how to reduce the mb on my mysql database i have around 14,000 members and like 4000 visits per day and my database its huge like 120mb and it makes hard to change it to another webhosting
Do some pruning, members with X posts or less, old threads and posts etc etc
Admincp>>Threads & Posts>>prune
Admincp>>Users>>Prune / Move Users

More pruning options:
Admincp>>Usergroups>>Prune Social Groups
Admincp>>Statistics & Logs>>Control Panel Log
Admincp>>Statistics & Logs>>Moderator Log
Admincp>>Statistics & Logs>>Scheduled Task Log
Admincp>>Statistics & Logs>>Transaction Log

Optimise and repair tables
Admincp>>Maintenance>>Repair / Optimize Tables

If moving you could also remove all mods and reinstall once setup on new server.

Remember to Update Counters after
Admincp>>Maintenance>>Update Counters