I have a problem. I have several xml files that randomly contain nodes with both CDATA and reqular xml nodes inside. i need to read the contents of these nodes, but am unsure how to go about determining whether the node is a normal xml node, a CDATA node or a node that contains a mix of both where the CDATA portion at the beginning and end could contain anything. (i'm using xPath to reference my nodes if it helps)line used to retrieve the textual contents of the node:\[code\]contentObj.text = contentNode.selectSingleNode("./text").text;\[/code\]Example of the xml causing the problem:\[code\]<text> <![CDATA[<P align=center> </P> <P align=center>]]> <media identifier="005896523"> <label> <![CDATA[NOTE]]> </label> <description> <![CDATA[Image for NOTE]]> </description> <comments>Update Required</comments> </media> <![CDATA[</P> <P> </P> <P align=left> </P>]]></text>\[/code\]