How Do I Put Text Next To An Image?


Staff member
How Do I Put Text Next To An Image?<!--content-->Do you want a long piece of text to flow round a small image, or is it a short caption to go to the left or right of an image, or perhaps multiple captions and images?<!--content-->this is how page will look:<br />
<br />
(image) Text until end of page. Text until end of page. Text until end of page. Text until end of page.<br />
<br />
Text until picture. Text until picture. Text until picture. Text until picture. (image)<!--content-->u cant just write that? its been so long since i actually used my HTML skills, i have been using C++ and Visual basic lately!<!--content-->for what your trying to do i think you would be best of using tables for that, having a tr with two cells, one with the image and one with the text, if your not sure about tables have a look here (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->)<!--content-->I agree with leoo24 in that tables would be the best way to go. But FYI you can set the align attribute on the <img> tag to left or right and the text will automatically wrap around it. For example:<br />
<br />
<img src="img.jpg" align ="right">Text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text<br />
<br />
This will make the img appear on the left of the page with the text alongside it on the right.<!--content-->